Too often men and women find themselves alone after facing the death of their spouse. So many things about their lives change. They find themselves in a new phase of their life. NEOS men and women who hold this one thing in common…finding a new normal in life whether 20 or 90 years of age after losing their spouse. On the second Monday of each month ladies and men (widows & widowers) meet for sharing with friends. It is a safe environment where they can be comfortable in their new identity. This new identity is why we refer to this as our NEOS ministry.
Comfort one another. 1 Thessalonians 4:18
What is NEOS?

NEOS seeks to develop close personal relationships with all widows and widowers whether they can participate in the monthly meeting or not by helping them as they navigate their transition and learning to blossom through the years as they trust the Lord for their life. The meeting is only the beginning of the relationship.
What Do I Have To Do?
NEOS ministers to widows and widowers of Emory Methodist Church of all ages through a monthly gatherings. We provide compassion, prayer support and friendship. The first step is to step forward and join us on the Second Monday of each month at 10am.

WhY We Meet?

The Bible repeatedly declares the sacred importance of caring for the widows, who were more vulnerable than widowers in Bible times. This is still an important ministry, not to be left to chance, but organized and coordinated so that no one is neglected or left out. Widows and widowers need to stay involved with life, and the church can help them do so.