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The Promises of Christmas, what are they?
The Season of Advent is one of anticipation, but for what, and to the end, why?
Join us Sunday to find out why both “What” and “How” we address this burning question.
Hope, Joy, Peace, & Love
The Season of Advent
Living From Hope To Joy
Tension, yes this is a season of tension. Not because of the shopping, the parties, the planning or the traffic. There is tension during this season, not due to the loss of loved one, yet it certainly contributes. No, Advent is a tension filled season because of what was, what is and what will be. Advent calls to us, grabs our attention to the birth of Christ, Christ’s presence in the world today, and at the same time, His second coming. Advent, in it’s truest sense, is not about Christmas cheer, it is the waiting for the messiah, the One who will change everything.
As advent people we live as a forgiven person, sharing that forgiveness and grace with others we encounter. We embrace the advent tension, the middle, the now. We can share what God has done in our life, how He has changed our life and brought hope. We share the joy and love of Christ that has transformed our lives.
Growing In Our Faith
Bible Study
The Gospel According to Luke
The Gospel Of Luke
Encounter the heartbeat of Jesus, who seeks and saves the lost.
Luke’s interest in people is undeniable. Much of what we encounter in Luke’s gospel involves Jesus’s interactions with individuals: the best and the worst; saints and sinners; women and children. Like Matthew and Mark, Luke recorded the incident of a woman coming to pour perfume on Jesus’s feet. But Luke was the only gospel writer to point out the fact known to all present what type of woman was touching Jesus (Luke 7:37-39). Understanding Jesus through Luke’s Gospel reveals our Christ as The One to minister and show compassion to all people, no matter who they were or where they were from.
The Theophany: Now That’s A Party
Emory Methodist Church News “This is the first of His miraculous signs, Jesus performed in Cana in
The Theophany: Like A Dove
Emory Methodist Church News “And the Holy Spirit descended in bodily form like a dove upon Him,
The Theophany: The Three Wise Men & Their Gifts
Emory Methodist Church News “But you, Bethlehem, in the land of Judah, are by no means least among
Hymn Sing Sunday
Emory Methodist Church News Hymn Sing Sunday was filled with a morning of beautiful music.