
Why We Are Here...
We believe that you are God’s work, in the world and He isn’t finished with you yet! God is working, through all of us, to transform lives and open hearts to the Grace we know through Jesus Christ. Further, by the power and presence of the Holy Spirit, we will be moved beyond who we were and are, to who it is we might become.
Your Church
Why We Do What We Do
You Matter To God
Jesus prayed a prayer of sorrow before his death. In it, he prayed of his passion that everyone would know God’s Love, and his sorrow that so many had turned away from that love. We believe that each person matters deeply to God. Though we sometimes stumble and fail in our care for each other, we hold fast to the conviction that every person is a good gift from our Heavenly Father.
Holy Scripture is pretty clear: We need God and we need each other. That we need God is obvious, but hard to admit. We keep trying to fix everything on our own, the Bible says, trusting in our own righteousness, but we are not doing so well. It is God, the Eternal Creator, Sustainer, and Redeemer of Life that gives hope to all humanity. And each other-we were never meant to be alone. That’s why-no matter who you are, and what is going on with you, we have gifts that help each other live and love in Christ.
- Reach out to our community and beyond with the good news that Jesus brings new life and hope
- Connect friends. neighbors, and strangers with one another as we share life
- Grow in our faith through Scripture and learning to apply it daily as we love God and love our neighbors
- Go out, with an active faith, into the world to share with others the story of how Jesus has changes everything
How We Do Ministry
- Loving Relationships: Acceptance, caring for others, forgiving
- Faithful, Authentic Worship: real, heartfelt, reflective
- Small Groups for spiritual growth and relationship building
- Empowering Leadership
The Marks of the Christian Life
The marks of the Christian life are first Faith. As Christians, we are called not only to have faith, but to live that faith out in a way that it is visible in the various elements of our life. The Christian life is also characterized by Love. As we love one another we are being faithful to what God has called us to as Christians. Another mark of the Christian life is having Hope. In Christ there is no despair. We are also called to Servanthood. Loving and serving others are marks of a Christ-like way of life. Christians are also called to Balance. There must be balance in our life to be faithful as a Christian. Peace, like hope, is a mark if the Christian life. Christ’s peace surpasses all. The Marks of the Christian Life are made possible by grace. They are gifts that are examples of Christ's work in our life.
With Christians of other communions we confess belief in the Triune God – Father, Son, and Holy Spirit.
We believe that the living core of the Christian faith is revealed in Scripture, illumined and informed by tradition, vivified in personal experience, and confirmed by reason.
The Bible is a source of Revelation (faith) and Attributed Authority (Proof). Scripture is where we first encounter God, and know it. From here we are able to understand the experiences of life. It is also where we understand God’s activity in our life. This is where we base our belief and practice. It is where we understand the experience of God in the world.
The Bible has something True to say. We believe in the Scriptures as contained in the Old and New Testaments. We trust these scriptures as the story of what God is doing in our world, and what it is to be fully alive in Christ Jesus.
In short, it is the The Story of Who We Are and Who’s We Are. To read it is the encounter very truth about God’s nature, where we stand in relationship to Him, and something about our common task.
Two Sacraments are ordained by Christ our Lord, namely Baptism and the Lord’s Supper.
- The act of Baptism is the initiation into God’s Family. It is in baptism that we accept a position or role in the household of God. The sign of Baptism is to bring people into the family. We then become connected to all those who have come before and all those who will follow after. This is an act that is a gift of God, and therefore does not need to be repeated. God does not “take-back” God’s gifts. In infant Baptism, the act points toward a saving event. In an adult or “Believer’s” Baptism, the act points back to the saving event.
- The Supper of the Lord is not only a sign of the love that Christians ought to have among themselves, one to another, but rather is a sacrament of our redemption by Christ’s death. ; insomuch that, to such as rightly, worthily, and with faith receive the same, the bread which we break is a partaking of the body of Christ; and likewise the cup of blessing is a partaking of the blood of Christ.
All people, good or bad, have sin in their life and need grace. Sin is everywhere in life and can not be stopped by our own means. It might be easier to understand this as our “brokenness”. Sin and our brokenness is the separation from God that result in our own selfishness, but it is Grace allows us to be selfless and experience an understanding of who we can be.
Our brokenness can take hold of someone and encompass all they are about. It can dominate and thus have us lose sight of who and where God is. That is the nature of sin. It is the nature of evil. This is where we need Grace, which comes and allows us to once again see and experience God, thus giving us an opportunity to regain our focus and direction. It is by and through Grace that move from being lost, to understanding our need to repent and seek God’s forgiveness.
- Repentance begins with recognizing and confessing our brokeness. Repentance comes to us as we experience Prevenient Grace. This is the grace that is there, even before we realize it.
- Justifying Grace or Justification is that it is the point to which we are becoming right with God. It is when we say yes to God and no to sin. It is done through faith by grace. Justification is not an activity that we direct, but rather an action from God. We accept what God has offered us and God accepts us as we are.
- Regeneration is the point to which we are restored to new life. We are able to grow anew. It is relational and a witness of the Spirit within us.
- Sanctifying Grace or Sanctification is characterized by being made right, whole, complete. We are then set apart for God’s use.
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We'll be in touch this week. Our Prayer team meets each Wednesday morning to pray for our community, our church family, our nation, and our world. Thank you for entrusting us to lift your prayers to God.