Jerusalem Marketplace
Join us as we go on a journey “walking” Jesus’ path through Jerusalem that led to the cross and ultimately brought God’s greatest gift of love to completion.
Join us as we go on a journey “walking” Jesus’ path through Jerusalem that led to the cross and ultimately brought God’s greatest gift of love to completion.
What is the time for VBS?
It will begin at 9am and end each day at Noon.
Our Vacation Bible School is coming up in July. I am working on the Daily Schedule. I noticed that you did 9:00 a.m. – 12:00 p.m. This is the time schedule we are using.
Would you mind sharing the time you allotted to each activity and rotation time allowed?
Thank you for any help you can share with me.
I am from Emerald Isle Baptist Church, Emerald Isle, NC.
Robin Finch
If you contact the church, we can share our schedule with you.