Emory Methodist Church News
“Love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your strength.”  Deuteronomy 6:5
Rev. Banks message titled Prayer’s Pathway: God Speaks with scripture text taken from Deuteronomy 6.  David talked about God speaking in many ways; unexpectedly, transformationally and incarnationally.  When God speaks, we find we are entrusted with hope, truth and direction.  He spoke at Creation. He spoke through His Covenant and as He called His Prophets. But when the Word was made flesh, God spoke so that we could know him. And God so loved the world, that he revealed himself in the Son, who became human so that we could know him.  In Jesus He says, Know Me, see Me, Love Me and follow Me. Be with Me and I can make you whole again.
Our communion offering is for Tanzania, this ministry has several related projects to opening churches and providing hope to families through micro loans and small business opportunities. Changing these families lives forever.
Prayer request for Robert Terry, Elizabeth Cockerham. 
Happy birthday David Traylor, Louise Graham, Daryl Nixon, Cincy Cooper.
Have a great week.
Reported:  Mary White

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Emory United Methodist Church

456 N. Texas St.

Emory, TX 75440​

Our mission is to live out the truth of God’s love, and to serve our community.

Sunday Services at 9:00am and 11:00am CST

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