The Gospel Of Luke Bible Study
Beginning on December 4th, each Wednesday, from 5:00am-6:00am, you are invited to join us as we Study The Gospel of Luke. We will meet in the Fellowship Hall at Emory Methodist Church, 456 N. Texas St.
Unique in many ways, The Gospel of Luke shows who Jesus is and and who we are. Luke explains to Theophilus in 1:4 that he’s writing to him so “that you may have certainty concerning the things you have been taught.” When we study Luke’s Gospel, we see Jesus, the Redeemer. Hear the words of Jesus, the friend of sinners. Encounter the heartbeat of Jesus, who seeks and saves the lost. Pay attention to the moment in which your heart burns within you with love for him.
Luke’s interest in people is undeniable. Much of what we encounter in Luke’s gospel involves Jesus’s interactions with individuals: the best and the worst; saints and sinners; women and children. Like Matthew and Mark, Luke recorded the incident of a woman coming to pour perfume on Jesus’s feet. But Luke was the only gospel writer to point out the fact known to all present what type of woman was touching Jesus (Luke 7:37-39). Understanding Jesus through Luke’s Gospel reveals our Christ as The One to minister and show compassion to all people, no matter who they were or where they were from.