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Get Connected at Emory
There are countless ways to connect with others: work, play, food, study, and more. We view community as a vital element within The Body Of Christ. When we recall the strongest connections we have had over time, it has all been associated with being in a community. Being connected keeps us alive and thriving.
Whether your interest is in service, growth, meeting other believers, sharing hobbies, or telling stories and playing games, we want to help you get connected. I would love to meet with you to help that happen, as would others. We have an exceptional opportunity to be a part of not just transforming lives, but transforming society, if we each recognize and catch what God is calling us to be as the Church.
David Banks
Grow Together
Small Groups
Shared Common Experiences Are Not Forgotten
We’re a group of men that get together to hang out and help each other become the best men, husbands, and dads we can be.
We meet at 7am on the 4th Wednesday of the month for breakfast.
Other Things You Should Know:
We have some exciting opportunities coming up as we further develop our men’s ministry.
We’re not just a group of women who connect, but we are groups of women who read through books that help us be godly women, mothers and wives, let our hair down while we play games, and seek ways in which we can make a difference in Rains County and far beyond our physical reach.
Current Activities:
Women’s Book Study meeting on Tuesday Evenings
Game groups meeting Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, and Thursday
Other Things You Should Know:
We are a highly active bunch who do monthly group trips and look for ways to support The Church and Emory.
We’d love for you to join a small group. We connect and read through a book or study a section of the bible. In addition to current groups, we are building a group made up of young families.
Current Study:
The Sunday morning Group: The book of Ephesians
Other Things You Should Know:
These groups have the freedom to dream and do all they can.
You’ve felt a nudge or pull, and you’re not sure what to do or what it means to be a member at Emory Methodist United Church. You have come to the right place to begin to find answers. Our pastor, our staff or even our membership will be happy to visit with you any time about the commitment and community of membership.
What is a Methodist?
First of all, we are Christians. That means we strive to follow the life, example, and teachings of Jesus Christ. We believe in God (Father/Creator, Son/Redeemer, and Holy Spirit/Sustainer). As Christians, who are specifically United Methodist, we determine our beliefs based on: Scripture, Tradition, Reason, and Experience. We believe that faith in God is expressed in acts of mercy and compassion which are outcomes of our prayer and study.
Why be a member?
God seeks a personal relationship with each one of us. Church membership is one way to welcome that invitation.
What can our church expect of its members?
- Their Prayers …for the life and ministry of Emory Methodist …for the support of the church family, the community, and the world.
- Their Presence …in worship services each week …education and service groups.
- Their Gifts …in financial support of the church’s budget and missions …in their individual, unique talents.
- Their Service …in ministry and mission …in fellowship and caring.
In addition to these four traditional Methodist vows, Emory Methodist asks its members to “take the fifth.” This fifth vow states that as a member, you will…
- Faithfully participate in at least one area of Ministry at Emory Methodist.
What can our members expect of the church?
- Bible-centered, Christ-centered worship and ministry.
- Christian education spanning the total age range of its members.
- Opportunities and challenges to serve God within and beyond the local church.
- A gathering of people with diverse backgrounds and viewpoints, where everyone may not agree, but all will be heard, as we strive to live and grow in Christian community.
- Staff responses to personal communication.
- Visits by pastor, staff, or church volunteers during times of need.
Professes their faith in the trinity (God, the Father Almighty, Jesus, his only son, and the Holy Spirit). Commits his/her prayers, presence, gifts and service to the church. Is officially added to the membership records of Emory Methodist Church and The Global Methodist Church. Has been baptized. Can vote and participate in church business.
Maintains membership at two churches, both Methodist(Affiliate) or one of another denomination(Associate). Enjoys the same benefits of full membership. Agrees to the same commitments and meets the same requirements of a full member.
Is preparing for full membership in the church. Has been baptized, but not confirmed. Is under the age of 19.
Regularly attends and gives support to the church. Has not made the additional commitments of becoming a full member.
Whether you are a new Christian, transferring from another denomination or from another United Methodist Church, we ask that you meet with Rev. David Banks, our pastor.
This visit will include information and provide an opportunity for discussion of the following topics:
- The Emory United Methodist Church Congregation
- The United Methodist Church
- How Do I Find My Place at Emory Methodist?
God has blessed us with the invitation to be in relationship with our Creator. We would consider it a privilege to have you be part of our church family as we seek to grow in faith and serve God in all we do.
Are you ready to commit to Emory?
Volunteer in Ministry
Emory seeks to equip every member to be a minister – to be involved in ministry and service in their communities and around the world. Our goal is to form Ministry Teams and fill those teams with people who are willing to sacrifice their personal time, skills and resources to touch lives.
Audio/Video technicians make sure the music and preaching is heard and seen with excellence and clarity!
Adult small group leaders lead and or facilitate growth through accountibility, relationships, and focused discussion related to issues where family, faith, and culture intersect.You come prepared to lead a small group utilizing a lesson plan either designed or provided.
Elementary small group leaders sit with kids during large-group teaching time and come prepared to lead a small group utilizing a lesson plan provided.
For those who are willing to give of their time and energy to walk with our students in ministry. If you have a passion for youth and can relate to where they are, apply for the youth ministry team! Involvement includes being present and/or participation in settings where they work and play. Application and background check required.
This is for anyone that wants to participate in what God is doing in other parts of the world.
We are expanding our reach in Emory and Rains County to share the gospel. Join us!
We serve the community through public service, elementary tutoring and even meal delivery. If you are interested in serving our neighbors, sign up!
Come help us welcome visitors on Sunday morning!
Come help us welcome visitors on Sunday morning!