Emory Methodist Church News
“But the seed that fell on good soil stands for those who, when have heard the word with a noble and good heart, retain it, and bear fruit with patience. Luke 8:15
It’s always a great day to be in the House of the Lord. This Sunday Dawn Woods our Lay Leader brought our message title “Tending to the Garden of the Soul” with scripture text taken from Luke. Attending to God’s voice requires effort. Often we hear God speaking to us, but we don’t let the words take root in our inner being.
Happy Birthday to Ethan Calhoun
Prayers for Deloris Thompson family, Janna Riddle, Harold Brown, Hawaii wildfire victims.
Words, actions, what adjustments are we willing to make so that our faith comes into clear view?
Have a great week and remember God loves you.
Reported: Mary White