Emory Methodist Church News
“Let your light so shine before men, that they may see your good works and glorify your Father in heaven. Matthew 5:16
Great celebration Sunday morning with a breakfast for our Veterans. It was a wonderful time of great food and fellowship. Rev. Banks continued his series “What Do We Do Now?” message titled Use Your Eyes! with scripture text taken from Matthew 5. Our first lesson was Pay Attention, then Use Your Ears, last week Cultivate Your Appetite. David said we use our eyes to see, but can we see light? That’s an interesting question. We can see in God’s creation beautiful sun raises, now doesn’t that bring us light? Actually, the only light we need to see is the light of Christ and submit to His sovereign power and gracious love.
Upcoming dates the Methodist Women have their lunch meeting Sunday after worship.
In December we start a Bible Study on the Gospel of Luke on Wednesday.
There will be a Service of Remembrance December 4th at 6:00 p.m.
AA Meetings every Tuesday and Thursday at 7:00 pm and Saturday noon.
Happy birthday to Linda Ross, Steve Haupt, Julie Vasek and Lonnah Basham.
Prayers for Ron Jones, James McMahon, Dorothy Riddle and Margaret McNear.
Have a great week and use your eyes to see God’s wonderful creation.
Reported: Mary White