“But seek first the kingdom of God and His righteousness, and all these things shall be added to you.” Matthew 6:31
Rev. Banks message titled “Attitude of Gratitude” with scripture text taken from Matthew. David spoke about having a graceful heart and being joyful. We are to be thankful for each and every day that God brings us.
The Methodist Women had a lunch meeting after worship served by Mary and Shirley Eversult. We had a wonderful taco salad and a great strawberry dessert. We discussed our Methodist Women’s Bazaar coming up Saturday November 5th from 9am – 3pm.
Next Sunday, 10/23/22, we will have a potluck fellowship meal after worship.
Then on Monday, 10/24/22, Administrative Council at 5:30 pm.
Happy birthday David Rodes, Sue Nichols, Lea Weatherley and Larry Smith.
Prayers for Cherry Krantz, Bobby Robbins, Family of Ann Jusko.
Praise for the wonderful rain.
Linger in the presence of Jesus this week and be thankful that He loves you.
Reported: Mary White