Emory Methodist Church News
“The Lord will bless his people with peace.” Psalm 29:11
Come Christian come and sing and that is just what we did this Sunday of Worship. It was a wonderful day of songs and scripture. Jon Weddle was our song leader and Nolan House was on stand by. They both have great voices. The congregation had the privilege to pick the songs. As it says in scripture serve the Lord with gladness and come into His presence with singing. It was a great day and we just might start a 5th Sunday singing. We’ll see.
Spring break is this week so it seems really quiet and nothing much happening.
We do look forward to April when the Methodist Women have a plant sale after worship on the 13th from 2:00 pm to 4:00 pm. You are welcome to come by after worship and pick up a plant.
AA Meeting every Tuesday and Thursday at 7:00 p.m. and Saturday noon.
Prayers for Dorothy Riddle, Stan McNear, Colby Ross, MayBeth McMahan, Joe & Danielle Weddle’s baby, Jason Pierce, Cooper Krantz.
Happy birthday to Lori Thomas.
Have a wonderful week and it sure is looking like Spring. Have a safe Spring Break and remember it’s better to be Kind than right
Reported: Mary White