“Arise, shine; For our light has come! And the glory of the Lord is risen upon you.” Isaiah 60:1
The first Sunday of Advent and the church looked beautiful. Ann Brown is our decorator and what a great job she did with her vision of Christmas trees adorning the chancel area. Rev. Banks started a new series The Gifts of Christmas
with the message titled “A Flashlight” with scripture text taken from Isaiah and Matthew. The first candle we light is a symbol of Hope O come, O come Emmanuel. Always remember the Light will guide you.
It’s going to be a busy week with the Methodist Women having our annual Christmas party Friday Dec. 2nd at 6:00 p.m.
Saturday Dec. 3rd our Live Nativity will be 6:00 to 7:30 p.m. and we will be serving hot chocolate and cookies in the Inn by the Nativity. Our skit will be every 20 minutes starting at 6:00. Please come out and join us.
We have new hearing devices that are really working great for the people that need help hearing. I’m one of those people.
Happy birthday to Nellie Daniels, Jari Ann Rabb, Eli Britt and Ernest Bailey.
Prayers for Flora Oliver, Kay Leavell.
What are you thankful for in this season? Pin a gratitude list on your fridge as a daily reminder of Jesus’s goodness.
Have a great week.
Reported: Mary White