Emory Methodist Church News
“When Abraham was ninety-nine years old, the Lord appeared to him and said, “I am God Almighty; walk before me and be blameless.” I will confirm my covenant between me and you will greatly increase your numbers.” Genesis 17:1-2
Rev. Banks continued his series “The Theophany: Abraham, Isaac & Jacob with scripture text taken from Genesis. Encounters with God are personal and just like Abram had a divine encounter so did Jacob. Jacob wrestled with the divine and I believe we have times we wrestle with God and ask why. These mountain top moments is our call to be faithful and not get caught up in the noise and distractions in the world. We are called to be different and share the gospel.
Don’t forget our Valentine Party on February 15th at 5 pm. Funds support Methodist Women’s missions. $20/a person. Call the church office 903-473-2411 and let us know you are coming. You can also call Linda Ross (214-535-3680).
Happy birthday to Dee Woods, Steve Bowyer, Billy Morris and Happy anniversary to Stan & Margaret McNear and Roy & Doris Bryant.
Prayers for Johnny Christian, Richard Kraft, Leo Trimble, Rocky Pietilo.
Have a great week and as always be kind.
Reported: Mary White