Emory Methodist Church News
“Now you are the body of Christ, and each one of you is a part of it.” 1 Corinthians 12:27
Rev. Banks continued his series “The Theophany: You Are The Body Of Christ” with scripture text taken from 1 Corinthians. We encounter Christ on our journey in this life just as Paul did. We have scales on our eyes as we travel along the way. David said we need each other and we need to accept our gifts with joy. Christ will remove the scales if you follow Him and the greater gift of all is Love.
Upcoming dates to remember:
AA Meetings in the fellowship hall every Tuesday and Thursday at 7:00 p.m. and Saturday at noon.
Saturday, February 15th the Methodist Women will host our annual Valentine Party starting at 5:00 pm. Everyone is invited so make your reservations now. Contact Linda Ross (214-535-3680) or call the church office (903-473-2411). Funds will support our different missions. $20/per person. Transportation can be scheduled with advance notice. Come and celebrate Valentine Day with us.
Happy Birthday Dorothy Riddle and Bessie Neff.
Prayers for Leo Trimble, Dee Woods, Trudi Adams, Johnny Christian.
It’s going to be a wonderful warm week so get out and enjoy God’s creation.
Reported: Mary White