
Emory Methodist Church News

“He is the image of the invisible God, the first born over all creation.  Colossians 1:15
Rev. Banks continued his series “The Theophany: Firstborn” with scripture text taken from Colossians.  David brought forth a great message of Paul’s shortage letter.  The sites and sounds of this old world sometimes causes us to wonder what God is really up to.  We affirm our faith with creeds and confessions of faith hoping that God will shape our understanding of who Jesus really is.  In the beginning was the Word, in him was life, the light shines, I believe this tells us the mystery of who Jesus really is.  We are called to be different, to not keep the Gospel to ourselves, but reach out to the lost and share the love of Jesus.
AA Meetings every Tuesday and Thursday at 7:00 pm an every Saturday at 12 noon.
Coming up in February The Methodist Women are hosting a Valentine Party on Saturday 15th starting at 5:00 pm.  Everyone is invited and transportation can be scheduled with advance notice.  $20.00 per person.  Reservations are required.  Contact Linda Ross (214-535-3680) or call the church office (903-473-2411)
Our MYF Youth will be taking a mission trip in February.
Prayers for Lexie Alexander, Fred Worley family.
Have a wonderful week and give someone a smile.  Be Kind.
Reported:  Mary White

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Emory United Methodist Church

456 N. Texas St.

Emory, TX 75440​

Our mission is to live out the truth of God’s love, and to serve our community.

Sunday Services at 9:00am and 11:00am CST

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